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This file contains the data related to cages (up to 9999), brooding, eggs deposed in every brooding, together with all data related to eggs and small ones development, up to possible make two bands. 
The graphic representation helps to make fast updating, colored icons quickly visualize state of cages, brooding and eggs. Green cages and brooding contain all eggs you already arrive to a final stadium. 
In any moment eggs states can be changed.

In every moment clicking the button Eggs Counter you can adjourn the statistical total on the result of the eggs of the breeding . The button Control indicates the number of laid eggs , those are not evolved yet in another state ( born, not fecund, broken or not been born ).

The cages and the broodings can be inserted simulating the coupling in Couples in consanguinity and automatically transferring the couple with the Cage function.

cova26EN.jpg (81072 byte)  Click the photo to magnify it.



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