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In this window you can simulate the coupling of the present descendants of a subject in breeding, verifying the percentages of obtainable consanguinity.

It’s composed by a structure having the shape of a tree in which all the present subjects appear in breeding and by two masks.

Initially there is not any selected subject but as soon as it chooses one it is placed at the side of a coloured icon as in the following legend:

Clicking on + sign beside of the subject it opens a branch of the tree that displays the whole family from the great great grandparents to the great great grand children.



The presence of a small button beside the icon signals the presence of the Evaluation Cards for the subject.

Selecting the Simulation Couplings tab:

Clicking on a subject of the family, if it’s present, automatically moves according to the sex to the Male panel or to Female determining the virtual coupling that is wanted to test for reproducing the champion. To activate it press the button Couplings.

COPPIE2.jpg (91589 byte)
Click the photo to magnify it.

Instantly a window displays the percentage of consanguinity that would be gotten, asking confirmation for the memorization of the coupling in special files for future uses.

It’s possible to print the couplings memorized through the button "Print".
Every coupling simulate can automatically move to a cage clicking the button Cage.
The low section displays the memorized couplings.

Selecting the Individual Register of data tab it’s possible to see any data regarding the selected subject having in this way a full picture of the akin subjects of the champion.
In any way this function doesn’t affect the general file of the subjects in breeding.



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