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The program allows to file all the subjects of an ornithological breeding , memorizing number of the band, type, name, sex, physical and behavioural characteristics, band of its father and its mother, various notes, cage in which it’s kept.

The data are inserted in files that are shown from time to time in lists, in which you can select the wanted data, in this way we avoid to write again data already introduced, eliminating the possibility of errors of digitations.

After having installed the program one proceeds to the entry of all the Breeders that appear in the bands of the breeding since a subject cannot be inserted if its breeder. doesn’t exist in the file.

The Types of the bred subjects must then be entered, inserting the personalized type for the races of birds, simply writing the description of it. To every type a Technical Card can be assigned, which will contain the descriptions of the physical characteristics and the Evaluation Cards.

At this point you can insert in the Individual Register of Data the subjects that have passed through in breeding including those dead or sold.

Initially the File contains only a male subject and one female ( ZZ999-1970-0 and ZZ999-1980-0). Which must be used for inserting the subjects with unknown parents. To insert a subject it’s compulsory to know the number of parents’ band, therefore the insertion of a breeding has to begin from the oldest subjects continuing towards the new generations.

In any moment it’s possible to modify the data of every subject, but for practicality we advise to insert all the correct data from the beginning, since the errors of paternity and maternity migrate on all the descendants.

In this phase with the function Brooding it’s possible to create in file the cages, inserting the male and the female subjects deciding for every brooding the number of the eggs. In this file the data of development of newborns will be inserted, from the laying to the insertion of the band following the development of the newborn one up to the adult age. The cages and the brooding can also be created automatically transferring the couplings simulated through the new function Cage.

At this point in the function Consanguinity a subject can be selected and display all of its ancestors having a clear idea about the way to characterize the select subject considering the recurrence in the genealogical tree.

Selected a subject to be reproduced, "champion" in the following, with the function Couple in consanguinity it’s possible to simulate couplings among the subjects with higher degree of consanguinity to reproduce to the best the selected champion.

To know if we have in breeding the relatives of a subject, we use the function Family, in which the wanted subject is selected in a tree similar to "Management resources" of Window and it’s possible to see all relatives separated by degree, with an icon beside that points out the presence and the state of the subject in breeding.

The complete genealogical tree is found in Tree, from where, pressing the right key of the mouse, you can obtain the specific data of every ancestor.

The On- Line related ( Help) contextual can be displayed in every window of the program pressing the key F1.



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